mandag 22. desember 2008


It's been a long time since my last post, but it has been alot to do recently with both school and private life. But, now I am back again, and I am back with great news! In January or February my song ''Whisper'' will be taken to the studio, and if everythig goes okay I might (Just might) be able to give out an EP. And the best part is that I might get to finish a couple of more songs to throw in on it! Looking forward to recording !

A life without dreams isnt a life worth living. 

Reality must be pushed aside sometimes, to accomplish goals.

onsdag 5. november 2008


Hi again. Almost done with another song at the moment. If the progress goes on like this, I might get the album done in time. Also, I've finished some of the other small stuff, like cover-art and stuff like that. In another two months I'll probably be able to start finding a good recording studio for a reasonable price. 


lørdag 1. november 2008


Working on an new song at the moment. Called ''Stay''. So far it's not so bad (Wich is very seldom in my eyes). Insiration is from an situation that has hit my life the past weeks, that hits me hard nad though. I'll fill you in on more in a couple of days. 

tirsdag 28. oktober 2008

#5 (Video)

It's not the best quality, but at least it's something.

A video clip of my song ''Whisper''


I just got the message that I am going to play one of my songs, in this case ''Whisper'' on the local radio. For those of you who lives in Norway, on Thursday at 09.00 in the morning, please tune into NRK Nordland. Hope you do it ! Wish me luck please ?


Been starting on two new melodies now. Kind of a dim sound over it I guess. As always it's non-complicated. But, it has that feel over it that I like in my music. How other likes it is for them to judge. I've only started to write lyrics to one of the tunes. The one that's called ''Voices from within''. So let me put out just a litle tease of the lyrics. Have a nice day folks, always reach for your dreams.

'' I feel like dead,it's the voices inside my head. Another sleepless night, eyes wide open. They are inside, I can not hide. Will it ever end, or just come back again?''

Magnus S.S.                                                                                                                                                         ''Voices from within''

All rights reseved Magnus Skulbru

søndag 26. oktober 2008


Okay, I thought I'd just put out some info just to begin with.
About the album and how it's going so far. So, here you go :

Album - '' Dead tunes from the boysroom ''
Artist - Magnus S. S.
Songs (so far) :

For my father
Since 91'

All rights reserved Magnus Skulbru

lørdag 25. oktober 2008


The name is Magnus, and from this day this will be my artist blog.
On this blog I will write about everything from gigs to how the album project goes.
I'll be putting out links and so on to sound samples and/or articles.
Hopefully my album will be done sometime around next summer.
So, I'll try my best to update the blog as often as possible.

Have fun, enjoy life and live your dreams.
With love - Magnus S.